The current trading volume has a significant discrepancy between Heco, BSC and Tron. Because Heco has a much lower gas fee, most user prefer to trade on Heco other than BSC and Tron. To improve the current situation, we are implementing a parameter when calculating Hash Power to give more Hash Power to traders with higher gas fee. We will give 20% more hash power for Tron, 10% for BSC. Under this adjustment, it could balance the cost for users on each blockchain.
No matter which blockchain you are trading on, you will start to share a single trade mining pool. There are four YFX token pools: Trading Mining Pool, Liquidity Mining Pool, Trading Competition Pool and Mining Invitation Rewards Pool.
These changes will take effect on March 10th, 2021 12:00 p.m. (UTC).
1.Adjust Trade Mining
1.1 Parameter
The parameter for Tron is 1.2, which means the Hash Power = Trading Volume * 1.2. The parameter for BSC is 1.1, which means the Hash Power = Trading Volume * 1.1. For Heco the parameter is 1, which means the Hash Power = Trading Volume * 1.
For example, when a user trades a 100 USD position on Heco, they can get 100 Hash Power, if they trades on Tron, they will get 120 Hash Power, if they trades on BSC, they will get 110 Hash Power.
1.2 Trade mining will share one YFX token pool which includes 1,800,000 YFX tokens.
1.3 We will adjust the Hash Power you got. % of total Hash = My Hash / All Hash Power.
2.Adjust Liquidity Mining
2.1 All liquidity providers will share one YFX token pool which includes 600,000 YFX token.
2.2 Liquidity mining doesn’t get affected by the new blockchain parameter.
3. Adjust Trading Competition
Total rewards for trading competition are increased to 300,000 YFX and rewards distribution as follow:
1st place: 30,000
2nd place:25,000
3rd place: 20,000
4th: 15,000
5–9th : 10,000 each
10–49th :1,000 each
Last place: 10,000
2nd last: 8,000
3rd last: 6,000
4th last: 4,000
5–10th last: 2,000
11–90th last: 1,000 each
4. Adjust Mining Invitation
4.1 Mining invitation rewards will share one pool which includes 300,000 YFX tokens.
4.2 Mining inviation Hash Power will change accoding to the parameter.
For example, When invite others trade a $10,000 USD position on Tron, you will receive 1,200 Hash Power.